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Our Team


Trey Scott

Hannah Miller


Trey began his career in PDR in his teens. He grew up in his dad's brick & mortar in West Texas before chasing hail full-time. With 20 years of experience under his belt, he always keeps the best interest of the shop owner at heart. Growing up in a shop in a hail prone area, he knows firsthand the type of support that shop owners need in order to maximize the potential of each hail event. Countless years of working hail and managing storms with that in mind is one of the underlying layers that is Tried & True. 


Hannah joined the hail game in 2016 after managing her first storm. Since then, she has gone back to school and completed her Master's of Science degree in Integrated Marketing & Communications. Every summer during her time in graduate school, Hannah hit the road with Trey and helped run retail storms and manage technicians. After graduating in 2020, Hannah is now full-time on the road with Trey. Hannah has over five years of storm management under her belt, along with access to the newest marketing strategies and resources. One of the goals of Tried & True is to allow retail shop owners to maximize market capture and retention during hail events. Hannah has developed a system to do just that! 


Between the two of them, Trey & Hannah have a solution for every need and they look forward to helping in your area!


Please click below to fill out a technician sign up form, or a retail shop inquiry. 

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